Schmoozing at the Fair of the Arts.

Beautiful blustery Saturday at the Fair of the Arts in Anderson Township Ohio. Many people, strolling through lovely Beech Acre Park, stopped by to see my art. I'm hoping one or two will become a Pepper Portraits patron.

CPSA 20th Annual International Exhibition Opening today!

See "On Scent" among its peers.  If you are local- you have to see this show! You won't believe what artists can do with colored pencils! 20th Annual CPSA International Exhibition, Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center, Covington KY July 13- August 30,2012 Meet The Artists: August 4, 4-6pm Gallery Hours:Mon-Fri10am-5pm/Sat Noon-3pm

Ginger isn't sure what to make of these interlopers.

Ginger,  isn't sure what to make of this mess.  For one thing, her precious walks were impacted by the hours Mom spent making it. The stupid dogs won't move.  They smell like paint thinner.  What the hey?