Portrait Commission Contract

After many years of doing  portrait commissions, I have just recently started to get serious about contracts.  For the first decade or so, most of my patrons were local.  Many were clients at the veterinary hospital where I was office manager.  When the economy plummeted into recession, my portrait commission business slowed as well.  I became very aggressive  about using social media and internet to make sales. I don't always have the luxury to look a client in the eye.  A contract helps both the client as well as the artist.  It articulates possibilities that one might forget or be afraid to mention.  It spells out the rules.  And though it adds time to the initial process (I don't begin a project without both a signed contract and a nonrefundable deposit,) it reduces stress in the long run.

Expanding Horizons!

I am so excited to expand my horizons! Hot Dog is on its way to Laguna Beach CA to an exhibit called MAN'S BEST FRIEND. And 10% of all proceeds will go to SPCA.This feels good! Thank you Las Laguna Gallery. I am so impressed with your website. It is a beautiful gallery! Now I have someone representing me on the West Coast. http://www.laslagunagallery.com/

This wonderful Pitbull mix, was a rambunctious, sweet dog and represented the best personality traits of a much misunderstood bloodline. If this portrait sells, part of the proceeds will go to the SPCA ,where many of her kind wait to be adopted. This portrait would never have happened if not for the devoted couple who adopted her as a puppy.


"Waiting," 30x16" Prismacolor Pencils on rag mat board.  The reference is mine of course.  If you follow my blog and work at all, you will see these three characters crop up often.  This is what I imagine dog purgatory to be- that somewhere in between breakfast and when mom gets home.   The cat can do as he likes, but for the moment, is interested in something outside. I chose the french grays for inside and full color outside to create an obvious border between dream state and full awareness. I hope it works.  I had to try anyway.


Chubs a 12 year old Corgi with lymphoma, lasted longer than expected. He held on through Christmas 2012 for a family reunion and beyond- spending his last months with his best friend, who was parted from him and sent to Afghanistan early this year. Soon after, Chubs quietly let go and passed on. His boy, my nephew, is returning to the states in a few months.  This is a gift. Sh-h-h-h! 

Stripes Hooligan is finished!

This is "Stripes Hooligan" completed. He is a little under 16x20". I used Prismacolor pencils, Prisma Artstix, Luminance Caran D'arch pencils and solvents on linen. The reference photos are mine; the cat a rescue from the Family Animal Hospital in Batavia who now resides with me. I painted this as my entry to a competition.  We'll see what happens.  I already have two interested buyers.