Hannah's Portal

Hannah, a 20 year old  tuxedo cat, was my walking companion during a visit to Harpswell Maine a few summers ago.  She and I strolled the shore early in the morning. I was amazed at both her agility to manage the rocks and her acuity for such a wizened cat. Returning from our exploration of the nearby cove, we passed beneath the bows of an ancient apple tree reputed to have a strong spirit residing within.  It was a bit creepy and I felt compelled  to give it a nod of respect as I  snuck under the gnarled limbs. Hannah has passed on since that summer.  I wonder if she has joined the spirit of this enduring apple tree. I wish my little friend well. I drew this 22x 30" image with 4-6B graphite pencils on a sheet of beautiful BFK Rives 140# cotton paper.  The furry surface adds to the diffused feeling of this drawing.  This was a study with the intent to eventually to make a colored pencil painting. But I love this graphite so much, just the way it is.  And it has been filed away for almost a year now, so I get to experience it objectively. I doubt a color rendition would improve the message.  Mean time, it remains in cue for one day. Enjoy!

Go quickly!

This is a little piece I started Friday and finished today.  It measures 10 x 6.5" and was painted on a silk mat board. Due to texture and reflection it is a little difficult to photograph. This is the best I can do today.  Anyway, the point is, after hours and hours of work on a bigger piece, with no end in sight, I decided to stop for a bit to do something easy and fun.  This is called Roadside.

Shor Park in Summer, Wins Third Place in Annual Competition.

Just goes to show ya, art is subjective. When you enter a juried show, it is near impossible to guess which piece might take a ribbon.  This little CP painting, a study of my walking park, was entered as an after thought.  My other three were passed by, but this took third place! Surprised but still delighted!


Last year I wrote an article about my 10 steps. I created a paintng and documented the highs and lows. It is something that is consistent in my process. Knowing this makes it easier for me to commit to the more ambitious pieces as well as increases the likelihood I will finish. No matter how bad it gets I know that persistence will pay off. The results speak for themselves. Sometimes they even work. The main thing is to KEEP GOING.

Don't blow it!

With one painting awarded Best of Show, Judges Award and People's Favorite; the same painting reproduced into giclee with four prints already sold; another painting used on the cable show BAR RESCUE;  an artist demo on landscapes published in Ann Kullberg's Colored Pencil Magazine, and yet another painting to grace the cover of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, one could say that things are going well for Pepper Portraits LLC.  Yet, I've been doing this long enough to realize that a cluster of good fortune usually comes after months of drought and grueling work. Maintaining momentum is the trick.

Blue Crab

  Dimensions: 29x19"; Medium: Colored Pencil on Mat Board. This  is my daughter, on the bay side of Perdido Key, Pensacola Florida. The references were taken last Christmas. Unusual to use a winter beach scene, don't you think? With so much blue, I came close to cropping out most of the water, but decided to stick with the original.  I like the negative space.  It adds to the story.Alice  


Margi of Pepper Portraits LLC, doesn't always paint portraits.

Here I am with my Rip Van Winkle Creek  hanging in CPSA District Chapter 119  Exhibition. We have at least 100 colored pencil works exhibited  in this beautiful show. Learn how I painted this piece in my artist demonstration for  Ann Kullburg's CP Magazine, January 2013 issue.