Stripes Hooligan is finished!

This is "Stripes Hooligan" completed. He is a little under 16x20". I used Prismacolor pencils, Prisma Artstix, Luminance Caran D'arch pencils and solvents on linen. The reference photos are mine; the cat a rescue from the Family Animal Hospital in Batavia who now resides with me. I painted this as my entry to a competition.  We'll see what happens.  I already have two interested buyers.

Shor Park in Summer, Wins Third Place in Annual Competition.

Just goes to show ya, art is subjective. When you enter a juried show, it is near impossible to guess which piece might take a ribbon.  This little CP painting, a study of my walking park, was entered as an after thought.  My other three were passed by, but this took third place! Surprised but still delighted!


I am very proud to announce, Who Rescued Whom is accepted into the prestigious 26th International Exhibition on Animals in Art, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, Baton Rouge LA.  Out of 426 pieces entered into this show, 75 were chosen. This is one of my favorite paintings. The lighting, the subject and a hefty sprinkle of luck came together to create this image.
Wish Willy and Tucker luck on their trip to Louisiana!

Margi of Pepper Portraits LLC, doesn't always paint portraits.

Here I am with my Rip Van Winkle Creek  hanging in CPSA District Chapter 119  Exhibition. We have at least 100 colored pencil works exhibited  in this beautiful show. Learn how I painted this piece in my artist demonstration for  Ann Kullburg's CP Magazine, January 2013 issue.

I don't just paint portraits....

Here's my Rip Van Winkle Creek painting finished and ready for a good home.  It presently hangs in The Row House Gallery in Milford Oh. (  It will soon hang in the  CPSA Chapter 119 show in Mariemont OH.  If interested, contact Row House Gallery.  My artist demonstration of the creation of this piece will be in the January issue of Ann Kullburg's Colored Pencil Magazine.  Stay tuned.